Dried Figs Delights

· Food Team
Figs are a nutritional powerhouse, offering a versatile and delightful addition to various fresh or dried cuisines for extended preservation.
Dried figs are rich in various vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, potassium, iron, and more. These are essential elements that our bodies need for optimal health.
Drying through Dehydration
Embarking on the journey of sun-drying fresh figs begins with carefully selecting seven or eight ripe figs. Optimal ripeness ensures high sugar content and moderate moisture, making them perfect for creating delectable dried fruit. After thoroughly washing, slice the figs into thin pieces, approximately 0.3cm in thickness.
Lay these slices on a reed mat, bamboo straddle, or a clean concrete surface for natural drying. Once sufficiently dry, store these delightful fig slices in plastic bags. While it's possible to expedite the drying process with a machine, the simplicity and practicality of natural drying make it a preferred method.
Curing Dried Fruits
Curing dried figs provides a unique twist for those seeking a sweet and sour flavour profile. Cut the figs into slices and add 7.5 kilograms of salt for every 50 kilograms of fresh fruit slices.
After thoroughly mixing, pack this mixture into a jar, sealing it with non-toxic film and compacting it with salt. Allow the concoction to sit for a week before taking it out to sun-dry. The result is an irresistible treat, ideal for snacking.
Crafting Sweet Dried Figs
For those with a penchant for sweetness, crafting dried sweet fruits involves harvesting figs when they are 60 to 70% ripe. Slice them to a thickness of about 1.5 centimetres and let the sun work its magic. These lovely sun-dried figs are perfect for snacking or crafting delicious drinks.
The culinary adventure with dried figs extends beyond mere snacking. They can be transformed into various delicacies, including fig tea and fig jam, or relished independently.
Direct consumption reveals a natural sweetness, while fig tea can be easily brewed by cutting sun-dried figs into small pieces and adding them to boiling water. For a luscious fig jam, boil thin slices of sun-dried figs with sugar, lemon juice, and water, then bottle up the ambrosial result.
Attention to Detail:
However, drying figs in the sun demands attention to detail. The choice of ripe figs ensures the preservation of taste and nutritional value. Careful sun-drying is essential to prevent issues like fly interference and dust contamination. Lastly, storing sun-dried figs in sealed containers prevents moisture-related deterioration.
This method of sun-drying figs stands out for its commitment to purity. Devoid of additives or preservatives, the process retains figs' natural nutrients, flavour, and texture.
Whether savoured as a standalone snack or incorporated as a versatile ingredient, dried figs inject vibrancy and unique flavours into our culinary experiences, enriching our lives with healthy and delicious choices.